Each year, Bath RD runs a course aimed at bringing new members into our league. We teach you everything you need to know about roller derby – including all the relevant skating skills – so you can start skating or reffing with Bath.
Our next course is planned for September 2025 - check back nearer the time for more information.
Our course starts with a two week 'learn to skate' period, in which we'll show you the very basics of roller skating, kit maintenance, safety etc. Lots of league members will be available to hold your hands, and we expect you to spend plenty of time on the floor, so don't worry about being able to glide around perfectly at this point.
Next, we'll start teaching you the specific skills you'll need to play roller derby, as an individual and as a team. Skating in a pack, walling up, pace-lines, laterals, whips... It will all make sense very soon! Finally, you'll move on to "Scrimmage 101" (or Reffing 101 if you've decided you'd rather officiate.) During this period we'll move you on to gameplay-based drills and get you ready for your graduation to the main league.
Due to our insurance requirements, you need to be at least 18 years old to take part in the course – and there's no upper age limit. We welcome all participants on our Learn to Skate course, regardless of their gender identity. At the moment, to join the Bath travel team as a skater, you must identify as a woman (including trans or intersex women) and / or gender expansive (e.g. non-binary) under the WFTDA ruleset – but this does not apply to referees, officials, or non-competing skaters. We would be very happy to have anyone else learn to skate with us with the intention of joining us as an official.
All sessions are held at: Wellsway Sports Centre, Keynsham BS31 1HH, in the main sports hall from 7pm – 10pm.
The last hour and a half (8.30pm-10pm) is spent off skates, watching our main league scrim, helping to officiate, timing skater penalties, learning the rules in action, chilling out with your new friends, meeting the league, and generally absorbing the derby vibes. We’re aware that people also have lives outside of roller derby (what?) so attendance for the off skates section isn’t compulsory, but it’s highly encouraged and will hugely help your understanding of our fast-paced sport!
When you sign up, you'll pay £30, which covers your first four sessions. After that, each session costs £5. You can either pay upfront for the rest of the course, or pay as you go in cash.